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Gain wisdom from entrepreneurs as they share what worked, what didn't, and the risks they faced on their journey to success.

Reducing Entrepreneurial Risk with John Wensveen’s NSU Framework

John Wensveen

Reducing Entrepreneurial Risk with John Wensveen’s NSU Framework

Explore Nova Southeastern University's pioneering entrepreneurship approach with John Wensveen, including discovering ways to reduce entrepreneurial risk.

Nurturing an Entrepreneurial Mindset with Coldcart CEO Jason Park

Jason Park

Nurturing an Entrepreneurial Mindset with Coldcart CEO Jason Park

Coldcart CEO, Jason Park shares insights on nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset. Critical competencies: problem-solving, adaptability, and embracing ambiguity.

Leadership Skills in Mergers and Acquisitions

Matteo Turi

Leadership Skills in Mergers and Acquisitions

Discover key insights by Matteo Turi on navigating complexities, addressing common challenges, and building leadership teams to drive organizational success.

Leadership Skills in the African Renewable Energy Industry

Stephan Le Cam

Leadership Skills in the African Renewable Energy Industry

Stephen LeCam stresses local engagement, cultural sensitivity, humility and government partnership to navigate the renewable energy landscape in Africa.

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