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Interview Highlights

In the world of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), a recent survey by WebMD unveiled some interesting facts. Surprisingly, 89% of respondents agree that they have DEI programs at workplaces. Shockingly, 62% of them aren't sure these programs are helping, and 46% feel disappointed personally.

Forbes opines that this might be because employers aren't fully committed, and the way DEI is implemented feels like just ticking a box, not really making a difference. However, experts like Josh Bersin and research from Gartner show that diversity can help businesses make more money and teams work better.

It's really important that leaders positively talk about DEI. After all, they are the ones who can make or break DEI programs. But how can leaders talk about it in a way that really makes things better?

To help answer these questions, we talked to Dr. Greg Pennington. He's from Pennpoint Consulting Group and used to work at Johnson Controls, where he was in charge of HR and helping top leaders get better.

Here are the key insights driven by our thoughtful interview with them.

Understanding the Challenges

What are the top challenges when it comes to a successful implementation of DEI?

Maybe the upper management is not fully committed to DEI initiatives.

According to Dr. Pennington, resistance to change, emotional attachment, and perceived costs can hold leaders back. Dr. Pennington stressed the importance of clear communication from top leaders.

He encouraged them to use storytelling and personal experiences to create a strong vision for DEI based on both business goals and company values.

The Role of “Emotions”

Leaders must navigate these complexities with empathy and a keen understanding of human behavior to foster genuine commitment to DEI goals.

Dr. Pennington underscores the power of leadership messaging, citing examples where top executives have communicated a clear, unequivocal commitment to DEI. By aligning DEI initiatives with organizational values and business imperatives, leaders can inspire trust and engagement among employees, laying the foundation for sustainable change.

Personalizing It

Dr. Pennington emphasizes the need for leaders to connect personally with the mission of DEI. Sharing personal stories and experiences can humanize the DEI agenda, fostering a sense of shared purpose and belonging within the organization. By acknowledging their own vulnerabilities and moments of difference, leaders can build authentic connections with employees, driving greater inclusivity and collaboration.

A Need for a Holistic Approach

While metrics such as hiring and retention rates provide valuable insights, organizations must also consider qualitative measures, such as employee experiences and perceptions. By listening to the voices of diverse stakeholders, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of their DEI efforts and identify areas for improvement.

The Conclusion

The journey towards diversity, equity, and inclusion is a complex and ongoing process. Yet, with the guidance of experts like Dr. Greg Pennington and a commitment to fostering genuine dialogue and collaboration, organizations can navigate these challenges. This way, they can create workplaces where every individual feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique talents and perspectives.

Official Transcript

In the realm of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, a thought-provoking survey conducted by WebMD has unearthed a disconcerting reality. Astonishingly, 89% of participants find themselves employed by organizations boasting DEI programs, yet a disheartening 62% harbor profound doubts regarding the efficacy of these initiatives, with a staggering 46% expressing personal disappointment.

Forbes suggests that this disillusionment may be attributed to a lack of unwavering commitment from upper echelons of management, coupled with a perfunctory checkbox approach that undermines the true potential of DEI&B endeavors.

Interestingly, the scholarly work of Josh Bersin elucidates the significant advantages of diversity, revealing that diverse companies enjoy 2.3 times higher cash flow per employee, while Gartner's research establishes that inclusive teams can enhance performance by a remarkable 30%

The imperative to effectively communicate DEI initiatives from top leadership becomes unmistakably apparent, as it resides at the very epicenter of cultural transformation, possessing the power to either fortify or fracture the success of these programs. Nonetheless, the challenge before us looms large: How can leaders deftly disseminate these critical messages throughout the organization, effectuating meaningful change in the process?

With us today is Dr. Greg Pennington is a Managing Partner at Pennpoint Consulting Group, former VP, HR & Senior Leadership Development at Johnson Controls, and author of “Your Leadership Signature: Mapping Your Personal Pursuit of Influence and Impact.” He holds a Ph.D. from UNC Chapel Hill and a B.A. Cum Laude from Harvard.

Greg, thank you so much for being here. Welcome.

Dr. Greg Pennington: Thank you very much, Felicia, I'm excited about having a chance to spend some time with you. 

What are some common factors or reasons that contribute to the lack of commitment from upper management when it comes to implementing effective DEI initiatives? 

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