How to Create a "Speak Up" Culture
8 minutes
How to Create a "Speak Up" Culture
Innovation Originates from Speaking Up
Innovation is a key driver of growth and success for organizations. But, where does innovation come from? Many organizations believe that innovation is the result of having a few select individuals with exceptional ideas. However, this belief is flawed. Innovation doesn't just come from a few select individuals; it comes from a culture of open communication where employees are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas. In other words, innovation is a team effort.
"Employees in a “speak up” culture are 3.5 times as likely to contribute their full innovative potential" - HBR
Creating a speak up culture requires leaders to not only support the initiative, but encourage it. This type of culture is one where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas without fear of retaliation. Here are some steps on how to get started:
Lead by example
Leaders must model the behavior they want to see in their employees. If leaders are open to feedback and willing to listen, it sets the tone for the entire organization. Leaders who are open to feedback create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Without this psychological safety, organizations will need to leverage implementing a psychologically safe environment as a first step.
Encourage feedback
Provide opportunities for employees to share their thoughts and ideas. This can be through suggestion boxes, surveys, or regular meetings with management. The strategy will depend upon the size of the organization, leadership involvement, pace of the organization, and organizational readiness. By providing opportunities for feedback, organizations demonstrate that they value their employees' input and ideas.
Provide training
Offer training to employees on how to communicate effectively and how to give and receive feedback. Effective communication is essential in a "speak up" culture. Training can help employees understand how to communicate their ideas clearly and how to listen to others' ideas. Learning how to receive feedback is just as, if not more important than learning how to giving feedback.
Follow through
When employees do speak up, follow through on their feedback or ideas. Show that their input is valued and that action will be taken based on their suggestions. By following through on feedback, organizations demonstrate that the speaking up followed by action is worth the efforts.
By following these steps, organizations can create a culture of open communication where employees feel comfortable speaking up and contributing to the success of the company. When employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, innovation can come from all levels of the organization. In fact, research has shown that organizations with a "speak up" culture are 3.5 times as likely to unlock their employees' full innovative potential.
In conclusion, creating a culture of open communication is essential in unlocking employee innovation potential. A "speak up" culture requires leaders to model the behavior they want to see in their employees, provide opportunities for feedback, offer training on effective communication, create a safe environment, and follow through on feedback. By creating a speak up culture, organizations can unlock the full potential of their employees and drive growth and success.